An organization makes use of a wide variety of resources, including monetary, natural, and human resources. Human resources continue to be the most crucial aspect of every business, and this is due to the fact that without them, it would be difficult to achieve the firm's goals, whether those goals are to complete the mission or to realize a particular vision (Mathias et al, 2021).
The human resource department is the heart and soul of every firm. The administration of all other resources, including those that are extremely important, falls within the purview of the human resource. According to Pattanayak (2021), human resource is sometimes referred to as the "life blood" of enterprises. "despite the use of technology in current company management, human resources are still relevant and the most adaptable resources of the corporation," they said with enthusiasm (Pattanayak, 2021).
Waterman understood that "the organization," which includes its people, culture, and capability, is a significant source of competitive advantages. The people themselves are the plan (Taylor, 2021). An improvement in a company's overall financial performance can be attributed to the successful execution of a plan for its human resources. Equally essential, a company's human resources are its most valuable capital, a fundamental touch with the consumers, and the key to the company's continued success (Taylor, 2021).
Human resources are essential to the success of every endeavor carried out inside a business, from the very first step to the very last. Consequently, in order for an organization to accomplish some of its objectives, it is necessary for that organization to not only guarantee that it will always have a sufficient and consistent supply of human resources, but also that those resources will be adequately motivated and effectively managed (Mathias et al, 2021).
According to what James said in Chukwu (2008), productive management of people is still the key to increased output, and the task of management is to encourage people to perform to the best of their capabilities. He asserted that organizations will be more successful than ever in achieving high levels of productivity by practicing efficient management of their human resources. This management can take the form of encouraging their employees and providing them with opportunities for professional development.
In addition, Ubeku in Nwachukwu (2002) went even further to say that even though the task of motivating workers is vested on the management team, the managers have more roles to play by providing the organization with a continuous day-to-day coaching, appraisal, and encouragement that the employee will need more than ever before. This is because the employee will be in a position where they will need to be motivated more than ever before.
According to Eze (2010, page 3), man has constructed organizations to cater to all elements of his needs and desires, both inside organizations and even within countries. These organizations exist to fulfill man's needs and aspirations. This necessitates that the resources that are at one's disposal be handled and utilized in the most efficient manner possible. An organization's human resources should be deployed and allocated effectively and efficiently so that they are available when and where they are required, and this is what is meant by "effective management of human resources." Planning, assigning, and maintaining a schedule for the use of available human resources are all components of human resource management.
A high rate of poverty, which is a direct outgrowth of unemployment, is one of the outcomes that have been seen as a direct result of inadequate management of human resources. Unemployment has become a big issue that plagues the lives of young people in Nigeria, leading to dissatisfaction, depression, and dependence on family members and friends who are also dealing with issues of their own (Taylor, 2021).
An analysis of the degree to which Nigeria has been successful in managing its human resources finds that there is a deficiency in the identifying elements that reflect effectiveness and efficiency.
In light of this, Taylor (2021) expressed his regret that "political instability, abject poverty, acute young employment, heightened crime rate, poor health prospects, and widespread malnourishment have been the key aspects of Nigeria's political economy." Even Nigeria's expanding Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is currently around 522.6 billion [World Bank, 2014] dollars, has not been able to eliminate the country's high rate of poverty or bring down its unemployment rate. As a result, Samsi [2010] observed that the rate of economic growth has greatly increased with an annual average of 7.4 percent in the previous decade. However, the increase has not been in a way that is transformative, inclusive, or broad-based. The implication of this trend is that economic growth in Nigeria has not resulted in the desired structural changes that would make manufacturing the engine of growth, create employment, promote technological development, and induce poverty alleviation. This would make manufacturing the engine of growth would create employment and promote technological development and induce poverty alleviation.
One of the most important metrics that can be used to evaluate a nation's level of progress is the unemployment rate (Mathias et al, 2021). If a nation's unemployment rate is falling over time, we may say that it is making progress toward development. And when new jobs are generated, there is a rise in employment while there is a decrease in unemployment. The situation is exactly the opposite in Nigeria, which has a very high unemployment rate (Jamo, 2013, p. 90). The unemployment rate in Nigeria has been steadily climbing at an alarming rate. According to Eme [2014], the rate of unemployment climbed from 21.1 percent to 28.5 percent during the years of 2010 and 2013. This indicates that the increased economic growth of Nigeria has not yet translated into a greater employment rate in the country. According to estimates provided by the World Bank, there are around 50 million young people in Nigeria who are now without work (2013).
In spite of the availability of both people and material resources, unemployment continues to be a serious issue in the Orji River Local Government Area. This has been the case for quite some time. The ineffective administration of those resources is the primary source of the issue. In light of this, the purpose of this study is to shed light on the problems that are associated with unemployment in Nigeria, with specific reference to Orji River in the state of Enugu, and to investigate whether or not it is possible to solve such problems through the efficient management of human resources, thereby lowering the unemployment rate in Nigeria.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
Effective management of resources is at the heart of every organization. The challenge for organizations is how to maximize the full capabilities of resources especially the human resource in a most effective and efficient manner. No matter how organizations try to achieve these full capacities, there are still issues to contend with. The primary issue according to Gopalahrishnan [2012, p.65] is lack of continuous training and education. He opines that organization fall disparately behind the learning culture because training and development are perceived as auxiliary activities, rather than as pragmatic catalyst to results.
There is massive unemployment especially in developing world like Nigeria because employees lacked the necessary skills required to maximize output and create further openings. In that regards, Goldstein [1993] notes that there are skills deficiencies of the workforce that make staff perform below the minimum acceptable performance level. He maintained that such workers are unproductive, wasting organizations finance and time and that it costs the management more to keep them than to be without them. The problem however lies in the facts that management does not ensure their skill acquisition and should not have hired them in the first place.
It is a truism that productivity at work setting enhances employment and lack of it brings unemployment. Anyim et al (2011) wrote on their basis that “poor productivity is likely to create unemployment and inflation, decline in standard of living of the masses, hence all hands must be on desk in search of ways to improve productivity” low productivity on a high extent is the function of ineffective management. Quota system in employment in Nigeria is a key problem affecting effective management especially in public organizations. Again Anyim et al [2011] opines that quota system in employment is very common in public Organizations where employment in government establishments is expected to reflect the federal character principle. Usually, they noted that employment is not carried out in line with global standard thereby compromising merits, standard and quality. In the long run, this brings productivity issues that with negatively affect employment and warrant unemployment of the already engaged.
All these challenges affect management in its bid to ensure effective management of human resources that will boast the productive and employment chances of organizations. The effect of lack of effective management of human resources in organizations is numerous including unemployment which is our focus.
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